
Its Scandaloussssss.....

Yup it IS scandalous wat... Opened the newpaper 2 days back and was shocked to see that our current-ex-Health Minister being peeped spy-ed by someone who wanted him "dead" from politics... What's worst, it's being speculated on DVD's summore!!!!!!!! WAT THE HELL!!?!?!?!?!?!?!

A HEALTH minister summore!!!! aihhhh... summore kena taped!!!! aihhhhh... I wonder how his family felt heh?? Imagine this, his 2 sons and a daughter met up with their friend and their friend said this:-

Friend: Huah your dad si beh hamsap!! "Kiu kai" kena taped!! aihhh...
S/D: .......
Friend: Summore show a lot of positions leh... hahahahahaha...
S/D: ....... * damn paiseh adi *
Friend: Ur dad veli kuat hoh?? 60 years old liao still can leh!!!!
S/D: * looking for holes to hide *
Friend: Pity ur mom... da husband dun 1 "do it" with her... aihhh...
S/D: * CABUT!!!!!! *

I wonder if all guy's with "status" is like that? Go "kiu kai" and felt damn satisfied with it??? Didn't ever think of how da kids/wife felt IF they got to know it?!?!?!

Or I wonder they'll feel ANYTHING if da wife who's doing all those things with other guys!??!?!!? Oh for sure they'll say for guys is different lah, guys no "sit dai" lar... and blah blah blah.... They're talking shit oni loh!!

If they got angry and humiliated for da wife did those things, then they should THINK of themselves 1st!!

What's worst, I read da news with my boyboy's uncle whom he's an Australian and he laughed non-stop since the newpaper titled "Sex caught on tape of a 'politician'".

2 blahs:

kek said...

walaueh~ ur DIY conversation so geng man~~~

julieann said...

hahahahahaha... of coz... me veli the creative.. :p