WELL... yes i just came back from Singapore... went last friday... came back on Sunday... monday on leave cuz i know once i got back from outstation... i wont have the mood to work at all... cuz consider as "travel-lag"... hahahaha... ppl is jet-lag... me is travel-lag... :p
I dont have much pics to share now as the pic i took are mostly in my boyboy's camera... so i haven't go download it yet.. tired to do it... reason?? continue to read then u'll know loh... :-p
So on friday, i reached Singapore around 2pm.. then went ahead to check in to hotel in Bugis Street. First impression not so good when i went into the room. It's small and seems a bit stinky... especially the toilet... no the room is clean but dunno why got some smell like it's been closed up for too long those kinda smell.. but once i switched on the air-cond, it's ok oledi.. so no problem.. Then i went to take MRT to visit my aunt who's staying in Singapore and blah blah blah...
Here comes the part where why i was so tired when i got back... On Saturday, I was out with my leng chai cousin and his leng lui gf to vivo city and sentosa. Was having fun in sentosa and half-way thru, my hand feels veli veli itchy.. so i start scratching it here and there.. then my leg and my thigh also feel very itchy.. then ta-dah!!!! i saw got a few red dots on my hand, my arm, my leg and my thigh... WAT HAPPEN??!!?!?!?!?!!? Cuz of too itchy, i gotta continue to scratch till my hand is a bit swollen.. then i go wash my hand with cold water to "remove" the itchiness!!
It felt better after i washed my hand but when nite time comes... i was sleeping half way thru and i was scratching here and there again!!!! but still i forced myself to sleep.... then the next morning.. i woke up to see my whole body got a lot of red red dots adi... HOW COMEEEE?!?!?!?!?!?! why liddat 1?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
then i got the conclusion that it must be the bed got a lot of bed bugs!!!! nia meh!!! why i say it was bed bugs?? cuz those red red dots looks like bed bugs bite 1 loh... normally when i got those type of red dots is bcuz my bed got bed bugs... but once i changed my mattress, it'll be ok liao... so this time, i know it must be the bed bugs!!!
So once i reach home to PJ, i quickly go see doctor and show the doc of my swollen hand and my red red dots all over my body. the doctor said this "aiyoh girl, what happen to you? what bit you?". Then i told her i just came back from spore and i guess must be the hotel bed is dirty, so kena bite by bed bugs loh... then our conversation is as below: -
Doc: "oh izzit?? then i'll give u 1 injection to remove the swollen thingy and to stop the itchiness"
Me: "errr... injection ah??? hmmm... ok looo.. no choice... very itchy ah doc.."
Doc: "Yeah i'll give u 2 type of medicine for injection, 1 is for the swell and another for the itch. U'll feel sleepy after the jab. So u'll go straight home after this rite?? didnt go anywhere rite?? u wont be driving rite??"
Me: *wah so many questions at 1 time!!* "Yes will go home straight, didnt go anywhere, my boyboy will drive" *think summore* "HAH?? then kena jab 2 times ah???" *trembling* (FYI, i scared of injection 1)
Doc: "Oh no.. no worries, jab 1 time oni... u go lie down there.." *pointing to the "bed"*
Me: o.O "Lie down?? ehhh... why hah??" *praying that she wont jab on my butt*
Doc: "Have to jab on ur butt.."
Me: *SSSsssSSSHHHhhhHHIIIiiiiTTTTtttt* "must be on the butt ah??"
*my boyboy sit there laughing adi..*
Doc: "Yes... u go lie down now, open ur jeans button then it's OK."
So i went to lie down loh... then my boyboy turn around so that he wont get to see my butt, and then the doc jab me on the butt... i tell u hoh... IT HURTS!!!!!!!!!!! even after the jab and while i was waiting for the medicine... i sit also can feel the pain!!! it's like my blood gonna rush out from the small hole that the doc just jabbed!! sighhhhhh... then on the way home, i slowly slowly feels very very weak and sleepy... so once i reach home, quickly take bath and gone to sleep...
the next morning, i still feel very weak but i need to take medicine, so forced myself to eat something for breakfast, then took the pills... feels sleepy again... went back to sleep.. Lunch time woke up, feels hungry, went to eat maggi mee, eat my medicine, then got a bit of energy, go online.. while online-ing... this is wat i saw on my hand and leg..this is the red red dots i mentioned

see!!! the red dots is soooooooooo big and its SWOLLEN!!! so i guess this is the "special" gift from the hotel hoh?? nothing much to get from singapore but definitely get their bed bugs bite!!
5 blahs:
Aiks... juju... u make me miss CLU again... after see ur photo... kakakkaka...
walao xianglooi... wat u mean hah?? mean i look like a pig ah??? u veli bad wor!!! T_T
alamak!! u didnt complain to the hotel?? at least maybe u could've gotten a free stay!! hehe
i got no comment. I just wan to laugh kuat kuat for the conversation between u and doc.
well i dunno why i so stupid didnt request change room. maybe i was there thinking another nite wont harm much gua.. mana tau... T_T
aiseh... me kena jab on the butt now u still can laugh kuat kuat.. u not heart lar..
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