Well almost all her grandma's sons, daughters, son-in-laws, daughter-in-laws, grandkids and great grandkids are there. Can see from her face that she's super happy as she's smiling the whole time!!!
More over, my grandma's best friends are all there to celebrate with her. She's so overjoyed that she kept chit chatting with anybody she saw.
Though not much people show up for her birthday compared to the one we had for our grandpa, but she's still so happy. Well, who cares its a lot of less people, the main thing is she's happy!! :D
So as we were waiting for the guests to arrive, I went around the house to catch all my grandma's great grandkids!!
Not long after that, the guests started to arrive at my grandma's house and it's starting to get packed!!
Since we need to wait for the guests to "warm up", I roam around the food area and look at the preparations! :D
The most important food on that day was this.....
It was a gift from all of us, her grandkids, for her birthday cake. Though its just a small gift but the cake looks damn pretty!!!
Then the celebration started off with us all taking pics with our beloved grandma..
Then it's time for the birthday song and cut cake event. So all of us sang a birthday song to our grandma and ask her to cut the cake together with grandpa.. :D
After we sang a birthday song for our beloved grandma, all of us rushed to the "buffet counter" and start taking foods and drinks and start our lunch meal!!! So that's the reason why there's no pictures of me taking ppl having their lunch meal... I was busy eating too!! hahahahahaha!!
Then the funny thing is, my 3rd Uncle's eldest son's youngest daughter (phewwwwwww), Cherlyn was sick that day. She's having diarrhea and was at "it" since a night earlier. So my cousin brought her to the clinic to get some medication......
As u all know, kids don't like to take medications... So below are the pics of how my cousin "persuade" his daughter to take the medication... it's damn funny!!!
I think it's a very tiring thing when you are being forced to take your medication... cuz after she took her medication, she seems to be very tired after all the resistance and etc. hahahahaha...