Went to Bar Celona during Ah Lai and Edward's (no not my boyboy Edward, this is Edward from Kompakar 1) birthday and it was SUPER DUPER FUN!!!! So I'll let da pictures do da talkings on how fun it is!!! :D
Inside for just an hour and my face become so red adi...
Really like an apple lar my face... aihhhhhh....
Me and Ah Lai... see our smiles the same!!
KCWong, Sam and me...
Me a bit high high adi when see leng chai... hahahahahahaha...
Getting more high after much more alcohol consumed!!!
Sam and me sweating after much booty shaking!! :D
I think I'm super high adi... become slutty adi... hahahahaha...
Me and Henry.. 1st time taking pics with him leh!!
Me, Agnes (Larry's gf-soon-to-be-wife), Larry, Ah Lai... my face still is red...
Ah Lai and me posing but got 1 dunno who's hand come spoilt our si beh nice pics!!!
Ah Lai is so huggable!! hahahahaha...
Sam acting cool...
Da Kompakar leng chais.... SOME of them lar.... :D
All of us getting higher and higher...
That nite was real fun. All of us enjoyed ourselves a lot and hope that we'll have more fun in future!!! And I'll make sure I don't drink till I got a hell of a hangover da next day... it's really really suffering i tell u... even boyboy also scold me... aihhhhhhh....
2 blahs:
so fun!!!! i wana goooo!!!!
so long never go clubbing liao!
u had so much funn!!! =D
yes it's really veli the fun!!!
come come!!! we go clubbing together gether!! i'll ask those guys out and we dance our asses off together!! hehehehehehe...
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