Yesterday night was my company's Christmas Party organized by our ORC committee. It was fun and superb as almost the whole of Obtech staff in Malaysia went for this party. Those who were not able to attend are mostly outstation to customer's site or they're having something urgent to do.
The party of course started off with some speech given by the President of ORC club and then followed by some games. Have a look at the pic and see how happy I we are!!! :D
We've got "passing gifts till music stops" game...
Harada and me... Me trying to get as much pics of him as possible!!! :D
We've got Yeoh (my PM) dancing in order to get a gifts from Michael (my CEO)
We've got Polly to give Michael a kiss in order to get her gifts... she's quite un-willing... hahahaha..
We've got Jasmine and Jennifer posing with Dave's belly tummy
We waiting anxiously and pray not being voted when they're voting for new ORC committee
The new ORC committee... I'm being voted as Asst. Treasurer... T_T I'm so un-willing...
We've got yam seng session for the management team...
We've got Team 2 for the next game... Harada being the team leader!!! :D
Harada's team got 2nd place when they thought they won after Harada pass this last rubber band
The "rubber band passing using straw" team winner...
We've got Mac (Harada's boss from NEC) giving gifts to...... sorry I dunno who's he... :p
Then I found out that Derrick trying to kiss SiewEng without her knowledge!!! Kiss stealer!!!
Then CheeHooi trying to bully JingDian (the biggest size in Obtech).. (even though CheeHooi smaller in size)
Then we've got SaeMin the "always ready to smile at camera" whenever he saw us taking pics
We've got dancers of da nite!!! Saemin and Jasmine dancing salsa!! HOT BAYBEH HOT!!!
Then we've got a pervert Patrick trying to "chao sui" of this leng lui japs lady from NEC
And before we end the night, our Senior GM David Teoh telling us how Obtech started... you'll be surprised at how they started it with only 2 people to "chong tin ha"...
Michael relaxing while listening to David's speech on Obtech's history... VERY relaxing indeed...
Our night ended with Obtech's Family PICTURE!!!!!!!!The Obtech's Family Picture is not even the whole of Obtech yet. There's still staff from Singapore, Thailand, Phillipines, Europe and etc. So I don't think it can fit loh... but we're a big family!!!!!!!
Overall, we ended our night blissfully and it was really very fun. With this party, we didn't even care of our positions of whether we're a mere staff or if we're the manager but we managed to chat and play along happily.
I'm inspired by what Michael (my CEO) said that night before we parted ways back home...
"We're a family. All of us work in Obtech and don't try to play 'politics' or
whatever. The success of one company is among the culture of the staff. We're a
family and we shouldn't compete with each other. Instead, help each other out. I
would say that if we compete among each other, it would be stupid because we're
in the same company. Don't you think so??"
Wow!! With those sentence, I'm really inspired and I realized that what he said is true!! We're working in the same company so why compete among each other?? Our goal is just to do our job and make this company successful!!
This Christmas party is really a bliss!!! Total attendance... more than 70 staff!!!!!!! Thanks 4th ORC Committee!!!!!!!!
6 blahs:
so much funnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
70++ people!! WOW!!!!!
so enjoyable!!! so much fun!!!
Stand beside lengzai play passing passing somemore. hehehhee...
Merry Christmas!!!
yah really fun!!! especially when i stand beside leng chai :P~~~
yeah!!! its so fun that everyone is so happy that nite!! Merry Christmas to u too!!! *HUGZzzz*
So happening la... Me here no celebration for Xmas la... cham
kenny ng,
no worries. u kam bek on CNY we go celeblate!!!!!!! we celeblate more HAPPENING on CNY.. wan?!?!?!
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